Recent Leave Requests
Details of all leave requests are listed here. The user has the opportunity to reverse an approved request, reinstate a denied request, and to view the archive of all past leave requests.

Reversing a leave request
All future leave requests will show in either the approved or denied sections. When a request is approved, the person's day details at the time of the approval are held on file. If a reversal is made,
those days are restored back to the person's calendar, and the leave request is becomes active again. From there it can be modified or denied.
Resetting leave denied
This is slightly simpler than above as the denial didn't previously change data. Resetting a denied request will restore it back to the active leave requests where it can be processed again.
The archive has the following features:
- Sort columns by Auth Date or First date of leave. Click the appropriate column heading.
- Filter: Click the filter button to establish dropdown boxes for admin names and leave requester names.
- Show more button, at the bottom of the list. Click this and the list will grow until you see the data you need.