therota.com provides workplace rota administrators with a web-based solution for managing and distributing staff working schedules.
Additionally, this solution offers leave management, contact and document holding, staff notice boards and much more. A full list of features is shown on the features page.
The continual development of this product in response to client needs and requests has enabled us to build a solution which is versatile, feature-rich, solid and secure; a solution that is accessed by 1000's of users every day. In January 2014 we released version 4, which is a full rewrite in the latest programming languages.
Workplaces currently enjoying the benefits of this website and software range in size from 10 to 1000+ staff.
- Out-of-hours coordinators
- Third party message handling
- Volunteer self-rostering
- On-call duty
- Hospitals
- Medical centres
- Retail chains
- Bars & Restaurants
- Theatres
- Sporting events
- Concert venues
- Festivals
- Specialist event catering
- Factories
- Security
- Fire - Ambulance - Police - Coastguard
- Rescue/callout services

Accessibility - You and your staff always have the very latest rota to hand, viewable on the Internet. If staff need a hard copy printed version, a 'fridge-door friendly' calendar showing
their own shifts is available. administrators can control their s from home, or wherever they have access to the Internet.
Capability - therota.com software has been continually developed to meet the needs of demanding government and corporate bodies, as well as numerous small business. This has led to the creation
of a robust platform for creating and managing s with many 100's of staff. The chances are the way you create your rotas and the reports and functionality you need are already part of this
Immediacy - When the is changed, those details are immediately available to anyone viewing the rota online. The broadcast module will track which staff are affected by the changes, marking them for rebroadcasting, by email or SMS text message.
Alerts are triggered whenever an event requires the administrator or line-managers attention.
Interactivity - This is the part that really makes things fly. Your staff can log into a via the Internet to:
- view or print out their upcoming calendar,
- make their own private reminder notes on their calendar,
- Request leave (salaried staff),
- update availability (contractors and casual staff),
- modify their details and preferences,
- participate in your rota's online message board,
- download key workplace documents,
- swap shifts with other qualified colleagues,
- volunteer for unfilled/open shifts.
- Staff have access to the main software and the mobile version.
- SMS messaging is fully integrated and used for distributing rotas, broadcasting messages, swapping shifts, volunteering for shifts, etc.
Versatility - is suitable for many different types of workplace. Striving to meet the needs of our clients over the years has led to a great many user-customisable features and reports, and that means
everything is a better fit for the way you work.
We recommend that you first log into our sample rota as a normal staff member to experience the above. To see the
a sample of functionality of as somebody that creates and manages rotas,
you can , which gives access to the
full program for 30 days.